Part II
Sunday, July 26, 2009
7 25 09Part1
Part I of Calli's soccer game on Saturday. Of course my camera memory ran out just as Calli started heating up!! She scored three more goals toward the end of the game, one right after the video ends. I was so sad to not capture it on film, but next time!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Vote For Serena!!
Smile and say CHEESE!
Anyhow, Jameson has started smiling more and more and at other people. I have noticed that Calli can usually get a smile out of him. He just adores his big sisters and can just stare at them forever. Calli loves this because she will proudly proclaim "he smiled at me!" The first gummy smiles a baby gives are absolutely adorable and I hope he continues to do it more and more. I much prefer that to the crying! But he has been pretty laid back the last few days and is content just hanging out with everyone. He has been a pretty easy baby, after his rough start to life.
So not only is Jameson getting huge, but Serena is growing up too! She isn't talking a lot, at least not nearly as much as I remember Calli at her age, but I am not concerned. She continues to impress us with everything she understands. She will go fetch a diaper and wipes to change her bottom or get her shoes and sit down to put them on. She helps to dress herself and will even go potty on the toilet sometimes. I am SO not ready to take on the challenge of potty training a fifteen month old while I have a newborn so it's good she likes to use the toilet, but I'm not going to go into full blown potty training mode just yet. Besides, I did that with Calli and that never worked out so well!
One of the cutest Serena moments happened a few days ago when she got ahold of Calli's camera. I was half paying attention to her and half trying to get dinner on the table. I heard her making some noises and saw her holding the camera in the air. Finally I stopped to really see what she was doing and every time she held the camera up she made a noise like "cheeeeeeese". I guess she has seen the CHEESE routine done quite a few times now when I pull the camera out. Serena is also becoming quite the climber. Her favorite thing to do is pull out the kitchen chair and climb onto the table. Then if Mommy was smart enough to leave the napkins on there she likes to go through and take each one out, tear it in shreds and make a big mess.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
More Soccer!!
Here is a video of Calli's soccer game on Saturday. She is #2 on the pink team (the littlest blondie out there). She keeps getting better every week, we are so proud of our little soccer star!
Busy Busy!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Video #2
The were playing a game where they had to dribble around the kids on the ground without getting their ball knocked away. Calli and the other little boy were the last ones standing, she did really well!
Soccer Camp
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Our Crazy Household
Here is a small glimpse into our life with three kids. It's pretty nuts sometimes, but we love it (most of the time). Now that Jameson is six weeks old (today) it is starting to get a little easier. The last couple of nights he has done seven hour stretches of sleep. For some reason you can't keep that child up past 8pm and he is wanting to make his bedtime even sooner. The last two nights he has been out by 7:45pm. He sleeps until 3am, eats and goes back to sleep until 6 or 6:30am. So life is not too bad at the moment. How can it be too terrible when you hear laughter like this and see these cute faces every day?!
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Day at the Zoo
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Day at the Doctor
Monday, July 6, 2009
First Bath!
Jameson seemed to like his first bath. Calli loved her first bath, she loved all her baths! In fact, the only time she wasn't crying as a newborn was when she was in the water. Serena on the other hand HATED her first bath and every subsequent one. To this day, bathing her is a battle. She will not sit in the tub, she just stands there and cries. Those eventually turn to screams as you get her wet and wash her hair. Yeah, she is a real joy to bathe! Anyhow, we figured Jameson could go either way, but he didn't cry at all during his bath! So hopefully he will love the water like his big sister Calli.
Now we have a clean and nice smelling baby!