Friday, January 8, 2010

Just Whistle a Happy Tune

I know, I have been Negative Nancy lately. I don't really know why! I am not losing my mind (well, most of the time), I am generally happy in my life, but I suppose it's just been one of those weeks, which really doesn't bode well for the rest of 2010, but I digress. You know how all the little annoyances sometimes can add up and suddenly you have a big pile in front of you and you just explode; well that has been me lately. Overall, my kids are healthy, I am fairly healthy (although these allergies I have suddenly developed thanks to living in the #2 city for allergies are kicking my butt!!), Richard is healthy, we have a roof over our heads, food on our table and our kids are happy and sometimes well behaved. What more can you ask for? Maybe I'm just feeling restless and antsy and ready to move on. I feel like there are quite a few things I am looking forward to this year, but I have to wait awhile and I am somewhat of an impatient person. I hate pinning my happiness on things to come because I know someday I will look up and my kids will be completely grown and I will wish I had just enjoyed these days more.

I am sure most people don't come to this blog to read about my boring life. You are probably just thinking that I need to get on with posting photos of the kids and talking about them. So without further ado and hullabalu:

Here is one of Calli's latest getups. She is always dressing herself in the funniest outfits. Ballerina tutu over her jeans? Check. Heavy winter coat? Check. Witch shoes from Halloween? Check!
And here is Miss Serena, snotty nose and all. See what I mean about the annoying allergies, day in and day out??
I love the way Jameson is looking at me in this photo. He is saying "Mom you are the best and I love you sooo much". Don't ever lose that look Jameson!!!

I tried to get some pictures of him crawling, or at least in the crawling position and these were the best I could get.

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