Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Three is best

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like had we stopped at two kids. Don't get me wrong: I love all my children very much (most of the time) and wouldn't trade them for the world. I actually really enjoy having three (most of the time) and know that all the blessings each of them bring me will be three-fold. I see the family of five being the perfect size (as I'm sure those families of six, seven, eight, etc. see theirs as the perfect size) and I love it.

That being said, I look at my friends that have two. I recently joined a mom's playgroup and have been making a lot of new friends. Most of them have one or two kids, a few have three like me. But I look at them and think how easy it must be to just have the two. And especially when they have two farther apart in age (having three under five is fun, but hard too). I am envious of the moms who don't even need to carry diaper bags because their little ones are all out of diapers and weaned off bottles.

I think I manage three pretty well. There's no doubt I am outnumbered. I have more kids than I have hands and that can be scary at times. Luckily I have a double stroller for the mall or even just a single stroller for Jameson. He is starting to get anxious in it though and even doesn't like to be held; he wants to get down and PLAY. Son, you can only crawl still and when you can walk I will put you down! And despite the fact that Serena has been a nightmare lately, to say the least, it's somewhat reassuring to know that she is not one to just take off and run away from me. None of my kids have ever been like that; I have a friend who DOES have a daughter with that kind of personality and I have seen how scary it can be.

I try to appreciate the moment. I try to sing that country song that tells me "you're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back. You're gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast". And yes, maybe it's true. But it is so hard to appreciate the little moments in life as they are actually happening. To appreciate the poopy diapers, the night wakings, the tantrums, the going it alone. One day it won't be like this and I'll look back nostagically and think "was it really THAT bad?" I think that's why women keep having babies. We get a little touch of amnesia and convince ourselves that childbirth, having a newborn, changing diapers, potty training, discipling...wasn't really THAT bad. It's a good thing too or the human race just might die out.

My point is forgotten as it usually is when I start writing. I have three kids. I am not a saint. I am not deserving of any awards or special recognition and I sure as hell don't want a medal for raising my own kids (except for from my own kids one day. I expect lots of thank yous and money for my hard work). But I do think that I do a fair job with what I have been given. Sometimes I lose sight of things as the days drag on, but I look at those moms of two and think you know, I wouldn't have my life any other way. And you know what? Maybe they should be jealous of me. :)

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