Thursday, August 11, 2011

Winding down

Well we have successfully made it through another summer.  Although, I'm pretty sure the weather Gods are laughing at me as they rub their evil hands together and plot two more months of hot hot HOT temperatures.  I guess what I mean is that we have survived summer vacation from school.  Officially it was my first one and Calli will be going into first grade in just about two weeks.  It does not shock me that we haven't heard a word from her school about a back-to-school night or meeting the teachers, etc.  I guess bad/last minute communication is just how they roll.  I am really hoping that Calli gets a great first grade teacher.  I will admit, I had my reservations about sending her to kindergarten here, especially since it's not mandatory, but it worked out better than I could have imagined because she had a great teacher.  She has spent her summer reading many books, faster than I can check them out of the library.  I have felt like she needs to be more challenged by her reading lately so I went ahead and bought her a couple of my favorite childhood chapter books: Laura and the Big House (by Laura Ingalls Wilder) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I am trying to teach her now that books can be enjoyed over a period of time and don't necessarily need to be devoured in one sitting.  These books are longer with more words on the pages and less pictures, so she is reading a chapter or two at a time.  She says she is enjoying the book and I'm glad for that.  Book worms are the best!!

Calli going back to school is very bittersweet and probably more bitter than sweet at this point.  Putting Jameson in a toddler bed at the beginning of this summer was the best decision ever.  The kids have been sleeping later than they ever have.  They usually get up around 7am and all go downstairs together to start painting or reading or (eek!) playing with my phone on the counter.  Meanwhile I get to enjoy an extra thirty minutes of sleep or lounge time.  It's so nice to wake up slowly instead of forcing myself out of bed to be somewhere.  Which is what the case will be starting August 22nd.  Have I mentioned what a terrible idea I think it is that elementary schools start at 7:45am?!!  Gone will be the days of lazy mornings, which I appreciate all the much more being pregnant.  So yes, back to school time is bitter indeed.

Soon it'll be just my littles and me again.  It is easier to find things to do for their ages, rather than having to find things that entertain a six-year-old and a two-year-old (Serena can really go either way).  And it won't be long before there's a new brother or sister to play with.  Sixteen weeks to go, I'm counting down.  I can't wait to meet this new little family member that will make us complete.  I am clueless as to whether I am carrying a boy or a girl; I don't believe in "instinct".  I've got a 50/50 chance of it being either and there are positives to both.  All I want is for him/her to be 100% healthy.  I'm not sure what to expect this time around to be honest.  Jameson's first few days in the hospital were nothing like I expected.  I know my odds of having that happen again are slim, but I guess you never know.  Since he was my latest baby I have to compare the labor/delivery to, I can barely remember how it goes when the baby stays with you instead of being in the NICU.

Farewell summer.  If you could take your weather with you that would be FABULOUS too.  I have no intention of wearing flip flops in October...I'm sure you have other God forsaken plans.  I'm over sweating and sunburns.  I'd like to take a nice jog (or ya know, just walk from my car to the store) outside without keeling over and dying.  Most of all I'd like to put on a pair of pants and maybe a jacket...drink some hot coffee and snuggle up with a blanket.  I'm pretty sure we deserve the coldest winter EVER so if you could make that happen, it would be awesome!!

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