Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Goodbye Helmet!

We did it!  We are officially done with Jameson's helmet; 100% completely, totally and utterly finished with it!  The last actual day he had to wear it was April 6th.  I took him in to the orthotist for his end of treatment.  I was really happy that I followed my gut and decided to keep it on him for the extra month because he had a big growth spurt and his head dropped from a five to a three!  His brachy also improved; overall that is still not in the normal range, but that one isn't a big deal.  The brachycephaly is when the head's width to length ratio is off and it's flatter across the back.  It's pretty round and I can see how it could be rounder, but from the scans you can see how it "popped" out the last month.  My main concern was always the flat spot on the left side and we have seen significant improvement.  I am still waiting for his hair to grow in more so it will completely cover the flatness, but I am so happy with how far we have come.  From 14mm assymetry down to 3mm!  A baby's head is an amazing thing because of the way it grows so much in that first year.

I think I will always struggle with his head shape.  After having been through this whole experience, I can see it's not completely round.  It still bothers me a little and I think that's normal.  We always want to give our kids the best in life and make sure we do everything right.  I know I did right by him making him wear that helmet for five months even though it wasn't always easy for either of us.  After never having any issues with the helmet for 4.5 months, Jameson finally got his first red spots five days before he was scheduled to get it off!  They were pretty severe spots, but a little shaving of the inside of the helmet gave him more space to grow and the red marks went away.

Although April 6th was his last official "day" with the helmet he still had three weeks of "nighttime wear" to do.  He not only had to wear it at night, but for naps and any time he was in a stroller or carseat because his head was flat against it.  I will admit I was more leniant and didn't make him wear it all the time.  He wore it every night and for about 50% of the naps, but it's so much harder to take it on and off constantly than just leaving it on 23 hours a day.  So his last night with it was April 29th and now the helmet is just sitting on my living room while I figure out what to do with it.  It's a $2,400 helmet, I can't just toss it in the garbage!!  The paint is peeling, are are the stickers and the inside is brownish colored from wear, but I think I'll save it.  I will show him someday what we went through to get that head of his a little rounder.  Who knows, maybe he'll say "thanks Mom and Dad".

Here is Mr. Flathead on his first day of head scans last November.  I remember thinking what a long process this was going to be, but I was happy to get it done.  This day of being finished seemed so far away.
And what a wonderful feeling to get the helmet off and see such improvement.  It made it all worth it.

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