Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Am Thankful

In honor of Thanksgiving I am going to stop focusing on the "don't haves" and think about my "do haves", even if it's just for a few days. are a few things I am thankful for:

  • My children.  They are the most amazing, beautiful, smart people I have ever laid eyes on.  And no I am not biased ;).  They are by far the best thing I have done in my life.  I thank God for them on a daily basis and I don't know what my life would be like if they weren't in it.  Quite empty I should think.  I can't wait for all the Thanksgivings to come when we are all growing older and gathered around the table, with their kids and their kids' kids and anyone else.  Children are magical and a precious gift and I love mine more than I could ever say.
  • My husband.  I may not tell him how much I appreciate him enough, but I hope he knows it.  I have so many friends with husbands who don't help around the house much or pay attention to the kids.  I am thankful that mine is quick to pick up a broom when the floors are dirty and quick to take the kids (yes, ALL of them) to the park.  I am thankful that because of him we have our beautiful children.
  • My health.  I am so thankful every day that I can get out of bed on my own two feet with nothing but my mind holding me back.  If I want to go out and run a marathon, I physically can.  There are so many people not in good health and to me, the fact that I CAN do these things means that I SHOULD.
  • Grandparents.  My children are blessed with four extraordinary grandparents and are so, so, so lucky.  They never forget a birthday or a holiday or a random day.  They send things just because they are thinking of their grandkids and missing them.  They all have such a yearning to be a part of their lives and I am extremely grateful for that.  Again, I have friends whose children aren't so lucky.  I just can't wait for the day that my kids know their grandparents as more than just a picture on the fridge and a voice on the phone.  I look forward to when we can say "we're having dinner at Grandma's tonight!" or pop over for a visit without it costing $300 in airfare and a week's vacation from work.
  • My beautiful sisters.  I get so frustrated with them often because they live their lives different than I would want.  And maybe that's okay, maybe I'm not always right and I don't get to tell other people how to live.  Sometimes we have to let the people we love make mistakes and keep our mouths shut through it all and not even say "I told you so" at the end.  I have many conversations with my sisters where I just want to pull my hair out and I'm sure the feelings must be mutual.  But every once in awhile when one of them is going through something heavy and turns to me I am there in a pinch and I am reminded of how strong that family bond is.  It doesn't matter how annoyed I am with them, I am on their side always.
  • Opportunities.  The thing about life is that no matter what, opportunities will always come along.  Doors will continue to open and even if things aren't going your way now, that can change.  I am thankful for all the opportunities that are going to come our way, even though I hate waiting for them.
  • Really good friends.  I have had many friends throughout my life and I don't make them easily.  Maintaining friendships is a lot of work so when they do come along, they are precious.  I have just a handful of friends I would consider myself close with and I am so thankful to them.  These are the ones who would drop anything to help out in a pinch and who know when you are having a bad day and just might need a drink (or two).  When you live far from home your friends become your family and you have no choice but to rely on them in the same way you would a relative.  I feel honored to be "family" to some wonderful women here and lucky that they are included in mine.
  • 7:30 bedtimes for kids...need I say more?
  • Diet soda.  I do believe I am addicted to it, but at least it is calorie/sugar free and it could be worse right?  I will always, always ALWAYS order a soda at any restaurant we go to because nothing beats that soda straight out of the fountain, freezing cold.
  • All of our extended family I may have left out.  My kids are also blessed with some awesome great-grandparents whom I have adopted as my own grandparents.  How fun do I think it is when someone from Richard's side of the family calls to talk to me?  I am extremely lucky to have been taken into the family and loved by them.  Of course they love Richard the most, he is their grandson, but they make me feel special too and for that there are no words.
  • Facebook.  I know, I am on it too much!  But I love it because I can keep in touch with people I wouldn't normally keep in touch with.  I have lots of uncles, aunts, cousins, in-laws, VERY old friends and new friends too and I love to see how everyone is doing without having to pick up the phone.  Impersonal, yes.  Timesaving, YES.
  • A great book.  I haven't had the chance to read much lately, but it's one of my passions.
  • Yoga.  It is my new obsession and I've been doing it three times a week.  Aside from being a great workout, which I never would have known, it is very calming and relaxing.  It helps me put my days in perspective and gives me a break from reality for an hour.
  • A clean house.  It takes work, but when it really sparkles it is so worth it.
I hope everyone has the BEST Thanksgiving.  And I just know that next year we will be inviting you all to spend it around our table.  I can't wait!!

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