Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Back!

I know I have been away for awhile. I haven't had much motivation to blog. I kind of felt that if I couldn't say anything happy then I shouldn't write at all. But the writing is therapuetic for me; just getting my words out of my head and into the world is helpful.

I feel like I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel for us though. For those who don't know, we are planning a move to Dallas *hopefully* at the beginning of next year. Richard finishes his degree in November, which we are so excited for. We are also going to be starting to get our house ready to put on the market. Since it's only 2.5 years old (and we've only lived here that long) it's not going to be too much of a time consuming process, but there are a few projects we need to get done. I'll be packing up clutter, Richard will be cleaning out the garage (I'd do it, but I am terrified of coming face to face with a scorpion!) and we'll be trying to plant some flowers out front (I have a black thumb, so this should be interesting. We've managed not to kill the oleanders on the side of our fence so that is something right!?). Anyhow, we just have to get through the holidays, which always pass by quickly and then hopefully we'll be in the home stretch. Jameson will be older and hopefully sleeping better and keeping up the house for potential buyers won't be quite the chore it would be now, while I am running on very limited sleep.

So I am trying to change my attitude and sit back and relax instead of stressing over wanting to move. I am trying to remember that we'll move eventually and we'll find our home we're supposed to be in and I need to be patient. Things have to come together first and the time has to be right. I want to be settled before Calli starts kindergarten, that is really important to me. I don't like the idea of moving my kids around while they are in school, forcing them to make new friends and leave behind their old ones.

So here we are now, in the second half of 2009 and it has flown by as always. I usually look forward to the holidays, but I am having trouble doing that this year. I always get so excited anticipating our trip home to California and seeing everyone, but we aren't able to make it this year. I know when it is 70 degrees out here it just won't feel like Christmas. I know we need to establish our own family traditions and have the kids spend the holiday in our house. That's about all I will say about that.
So here are some brief updates on the kids


She starts her preschool next Tuesday, September 1st. She is so excited she is ready to burst. We also start soccer tonight. I am coaching her this year and a little nervous about it, but I think it will be fun. Plus this will ensure that she learns the proper basics of soccer, which was lacking in her last season. She is learning to write all her letters, Richard likes to work with her on that on the weekends when he is home. She is also our little artist, using about fifty sheets of computer paper a day to create her masterpieces. Our next house will have to have some kind of easel or art table for her to work at. Besides that, she is just Calli! She cuddles her baby brother, fights with her little sister and loves them both very much.

This little girl is almost seventeen months old! Soon she will be closer to two than she is to one. She is a very smart toddler, she understands so much of what we say. She follows instructions very well, but she doesn't talk a lot still. She can say a few words, her favorites being HI and DOGGIE (go figure since we have a cat). She is learning to eat with silverware now and is getting pretty good at it. She just adores her baby brother. Very rarely do I see her get jealous, which is such a relief. She is constantly giving him hugs and kisses and just loving on him. First thing in the morning when I bring her downstairs she looks for where he is and runs over to kiss him. I think the two of them are going to be great friends.

Our little boy is growing up! He is nearly three months old and getting just so big I can hardly believe it. He smiles all the time and is just a really happy and calm baby. The only thing I can ask of him is that he starts sleeping better ;). That will come in time, but I just got so spoiled with Serena sleeping ten hours at this point. Jameson is just way too cute to be mad at though. Last night when I went in for the 2am feeding I got there before he started getting too upset and he had the biggest smiles when he saw me and got so excited. One really great thing is that he puts himself to sleep, no rocking required! Both him and Serena were always like that and it's great to just be able to lay him down and know he'll fall asleep on his own. He's getting very strong, especially during his tummy time when he pushes his head up all the way to look around. No signs of rolling yet and I don't think he is going to beat Serena's record of rolling at three months old, but soon enough I'm sure!
So that is what is up with the kids in a nutshell. And now everyone's favorite part, the pictures!
Our sweet, smiley little boy!
He's a Giants fan
Serena helping Daddy with the dishes
The girls reading together, something which they actually have in common!
Daddy and all the kids
Jameson is getting so strong!
A sweet moment

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

SO CUTE!! You guys are really the cutest family ever!! I am glad you are back, I have been missing you! By the way thanks for the Vivi donation, you guys are the best!

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