Friday, November 12, 2010


I am pretty sure I have way too many negative feelings and emotions these days to actually put them down on paper (by paper I mean cyber journal).  So instead of boring you with my rants, as good as it would make me feel to get it out there, I will just leave you with photos of my cute kids.  Because who can really be mad while looking at pictures of these cuties?

Calli and her duck enjoying a slush from Sonic (did you know they have Happy Hour from 2-4 and half price drinks during that time?  Those slushes cost about 75 cents).
The rare shot of all three.

 Don't they look so grown up?
 Is it just me or does Jameson look bigger than his BIG sister!
 He looks so cute in his Christmas outfit, even with a graham cracker shoved in his mouth.
 Jameson insisted on sitting at the table like a big boy, which is why we need a bigger table!  Which will not fit in our house.  Which is one of the zillion reasons I am ready to move.  Okay, I digress.
 My sweeties playing at the park.  Check out that wicked underbite Serena is sporting.  It should remind my parents of my kindergarten picture.  Braces here we come!!

 Serena's hair is so long and pretty!
 Feeding the ducks

 Jameson checking out the toy catalogue.
 We were beyond thrilled when the Giants took the World Series.  I sport this shirt around town on a regular basis (what??  Of course I'm not wearing it right now!!) to show my pride and to rub it into Texas Ranger fans everywhere (all the bandwagon jumpers!!!)

 Possibly the cutest baseball players ever!  Serena is right handed, but she bats lefty apparently.

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