Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2

Today is a much better day.  I knew it would be and I just needed to get over the initial hump of my daughter starting KINDERGARTEN.  It is a big deal.  And you know something...I will probably have a nervous breakdown every year the night before school starts.  Why?  Because it means my kids are growing up and I have issues with accepting that and embracing change.  I want them to be my babies forever and I know that won't happen, so although seeing them take new steps in life makes me proud, it also hurts a little.

We walked to school again, but without Richard this time.  The first day of school buzz had worn off and when we got to Calli's class nearly all of her classmates were there.  We arrived about fifteen minutes early so this makes me think there are a lot of kids that come to school for the breakfast or come on buses.  She was excited to go to school this morning and had a great day yesterday.  She is very social and loved making new friends (although she can't remember their names yet!).  There is even a boy from her preschool who goes to this school.  He is in a different class but they got to play together at recess.  After we picked her up from school we went out to McDonald's for ice cream.  This will be the new tradition after the first day of school each year.

So now I'm home with two kids during the day and dare I admit, life is a little boring.  I don't really know why!  I hear from moms of two all the time that they are busy and have a million things to do and the kids are always needing something.  Maybe I am just fortunate that my little ones will play on their own and this allows me to do the dishes or do whatever needs to be done.  We went to the gym today and it was nice to get out of the house.  I also love walking to school because it is 1.5 miles round trip (pushing 50+ pounds in my double stroller, uphill the entire way to school) and I will get some exercise every day because of it.  I would love to walk to pick Calli up as well, but Mother Nature doesn't want to cooperate (I don't think she cares too much for Texas!) and it is 100 degrees at 2pm.  I drove to pick Calli up yesterday thinking that since they release the kindergarteners earlier than the rest of the school, I would be able to get through the pick up line quickly.  Well, not so because all the other parents whose kids don't get out of school until 2:45 all line up around 1:00 (okay I exagerate!) to try and get the best spot, blocking the way for us kindergarten parents to get through, which totally defeats the purpose of letting them out early.  I haven't quite figured out how we'll handle this for the next few months while it is still baking hot.  I ended up circling the parking lot and going back out to the street and managing to find a space on the road.  I think today I will leave a little earlier and guarantee a good spot on the street.  I will have to manuever the pick-up line tomorrow though because I have plans that will keep me out of the house all day and this means Serena and Jameson will fall asleep in the car on the way to pick Calli up from school.  Rather than wake them to get out of the car and get her I'll have to make her sit outside until about 3:00 when I'll finally get to her in my car.  I sure wish they wouldn't hold my kid hostage: being able to find a meeting place with Calli outside the school would be sooooo much easier, but what do I know.

My house is way too quiet.  I can actually hear myself think which is unheard of!  Jameson and Serena haven't reached that stage where they fight too much yet so life is good.  I do miss Calli during the day, but I love hearing about how she spent her time at school and what new things she learned.  I think maybe having some distance from her will give me a little patience when it comes to dealing with her and maybe I will be able to enjoy her more.  Let's hope we can get through the rest of the week now!

Enjoying her after school treat yesterday
Ready for the 2nd day of school.  A little less exciting, but still fun!

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