Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is my IOU BLOG

I have some major blogging to do. Life has been crazy busy and the last few weeks have flown by. Between Halloween, Kendra's visit, going to California for my grandfather's funeral, going to the gym four times a week, coaching Calli's soccer team and tending to sick kids, I feel sometimes like I barely have a moment to breathe. So until I can grab hold of that moment, here are a few recent pics to tide you over.
Here are a few photos from Halloween

This is my best friend Kendra and me (Calli too!)
My little boy with his mohawk
And my favorite recent photo of the kids. They are all wearing new pjs (Serena's aren't technically new, but they are new to her so that counts!). If I'm feeling overwhelmed, this photo reminds me of what I love about my life.

1 comment:

The Rosa Family said...

They look so cute in there halloween costumes!!

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