Thursday, May 27, 2010

Preschool "Graduation"

Calli "graduated" from preschool on Tuesday. I could launch into how silly I think it is for a bunch of four- and five-year-olds to "graduate" from anything. I could tell you that I think graduation is a term meant for finishing high school or college; a feat actually worthy of a celebration. Kids have to learn to be proud of themselves instead of us patting them on the back for every little thing they do. You completed the 2nd grade? Let's put on caps and gowns and walk down the aisle so you can graduate! Halleluah! Whatever happened to just quietly moving up a grade and being proud of yourself for the fact that you did that? Now we have to throw a great big "graduation" each year and tell you how wonderful you are. And no matter if we as parents agree with it or not, we have to go. Can you imagine Calli in couseling someday telling her therapist that the root of all her issues started when her mommy didn't attend her preschool graduation? I mean seriously, it's a little ridiculous. Caps and gowns for the preschoolers? They are only just beginning their education so to apply the term "graduating" to something like that...well, it's just silly. I won't even go into the fact that I'm not even sure I totally agree with the preschool movement that has swept the nation. But like I said, I could go into it all, but I won't ;)
So back to "graduation" day (yes, the word "graduation" will be found in quotes this entire blog entry to emphasize how I feel about it). I dropped Calli off at school at 9am and had to go waste an hour before we were supposed to come back for the "graduation". The little ones and I went to Starbucks down the street, yum!! Then it was time to go back and get our seats for the "graduation" to begin. All the other moms (and some dads) were ready with their video cameras to record this significant moment in time. The "graduates" walked down the aisle one by one and took their seats in front. Mrs. Tina, the director, led them in a prayer song. Then the kids got up and performed two songs they had practiced: the first one was Seven Days in a Week and the next was a song about Zacchaeus, based on the story in the Bible. Mrs. Tina made a short speech and then each child was called up front by their teacher, Mrs. Julie. She asked them quietly what they wanted to be when they grew up and then repeated their answers for all to hear. When it was her turn, Calli said she wanted to be "a mom and a singer". That was pretty cute. Then each child walked across the stage, pausing on the "bridge" to take a photo before getting their certificate from Mrs. Tina. At the end all the kids came and gave their moms a rose, which was very sweet and probably my favorite part. Then we celebrated with cupcakes and punch and the kids went back to class to finish the rest of their day.
 Today is Calli's last day of Mother's Day Out and they are having fun water time for part of the day. She got to go to school dressed in her bathing suit and Hannah Montana towel. I can't believe that she is all done with preschool! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was signing her up and now we've reached the end of the year. I have to say, it's going to be a LONG summer with her home every day (yes, I am THAT mom that enjoys my few hours a week without her and I don't think that makes me a bad one. In fact, I think the opposite: it makes me a better mom because I get a break). We are going to have to try to find ways to keep busy and cool or we'll be inside 24/7 getting on each other's nerves and being bored and that's not nice for anyone. Before I know it September will be here and we'll be packing her backpack and sending her off for (a ridiculously long day - here in Texas kindergarten is a full eight hour day!!!!) school. My baby girl sure is growing up!

Serena and Jameson waiting for the "graduation" to start

Calli coming down the aisle
Taking her seat
Performing the songs
Calli telling Mrs. Julie what she wants to be when she grows up
Time for the paparazzi to take photos
Getting her certificate from Mrs. Tina
The "Class of 2010"

Calli with her preschool friends.  The little boy is the one Calli has said she is going to marry since the day school started.
Cupcake time!
Calli in her pretty dress I got the day before at Dillards on clearance for $12.  What a steal!!

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