Thursday, May 27, 2010

Slippin' n Slidin'

We broke out the slip n slide for the first time this season last weekend.  The weather has been downright terrible here; it has been SO humid and cloudy.  I think we are in for a very wet and sticky summer, but I'm going to *try* not to bitch too much about it because it will be the last summer I have to spend here.  It's all about the silver linings right?  So on Saturday we weren't doing much of anything; the girls were bored out of their minds in the house while Jameson was napping.  It was very overcast and muggy, but more than warm enough to get wet.  So I dug up the slip n slide from the depths of the garage clutter and started blowing it up (thank God for electric pumps!).  While I was doing that I felt some raindrops.  OF COURSE.  No rain the forecast, but weather can change on a dime here.  Luckily the sprinkles let up and the girls were going to get wet anyway, so I continued on with the pumping of the slide.

I knew Calli would be excited to play, but I never know what to expect from Serena when it comes to the water.  Sometimes she likes it and sometimes she doesn't.  She put her bathing suit on with no problem and ran out there with Calli.  While Calli will just jump right in, Serena is more hesitant, but eventually she got in there and had a blast.  Richard even put on his swim trunks to take some turns down the slide with the girls.

The girls also had fun playing with their new Minnie Water Squirters

The worst part for me is always after they are done playing.  They had grass all over them and despite the fact that Richard claimed to have hosed them off, it was everywhere.  I don't do well seeing my kids messy and usually want to have an anxiety attack right on the spot.  So I wiped them down as best I could and tried to remember that the point of the afternoon was that they had a lot of fun.

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