Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Tonka Truck!

Our sweet little TODDLER (oh my, how weird is that to say?) had his one year well-check at the doctor today.  I love our pediatrician and look forward to seeing him because he really, honestly cares.  It took me four years to find a doctor that I loved and now I know not to settle for less than the best when it comes to my kids.  The first doctors Calli had were military ones; her doctor at Randolph was a Major and this always kind of bugged me.  She wore her uniform because she was IN the military and it felt really formal and uncomfortable.  I also felt very rushed always and didn't feel like she really cared at all about what she was doing.  But thanks to good ol' Tricare (as much as I get annoyed by our insurance sometimes I am SO thankful to not have to deal with Tricare anymore!) we didn't have a choice.  When Richard got out of the military and we moved across town, I looked for the closest doctor to our house.  Trust me, that is not the way to choose your doctor!  The one I saw for two years, because I was too lazy to make the switch, was very timid and quiet, very quick with the well checks and didn't make me feel like she had much knowledge of what she was doing.  There was a disconnect between her and the kids when she saw them, which of course there would be when you spend five minutes with them every few months.

So fast forward to when I was pregnant with Jameson.  I finally felt that kick in the butt to switch because I was having my THIRD child and a boy.  Things were going to be a little bit different and I didn't know that I trusted my pedi to do what we needed her to do.  A friend of mine, who has five kids so how could she be wrong, recommended her doctor.  I googled him and found reviews that stated he was very cautious, which some people like and some don't.  When it comes to my kids, I am all for being cautious and protective.  And honestly, if you don't like what the doctor has to say, they are YOUR KIDS, but at least I knew someone like him would present me with all my options and I could take them or leave them.

I met our pediatrician when I was eight months pregnant at an "interview" and he wasn't what I was expecting at all.  He was still very nice and given the recommendations, I definitely felt comfortable having him as our new pediatrician.  When Jameson was born and our doctor went to the hospital to round on him two hours later, catching his early signs of pneumonia, I knew I had made the right choice and was so thankful.  We have had such a great relationship with him ever since and I feel like he really cares.  He spends 20-30 minutes with us at well-child visits.  We NEVER feel rushed, I never feel stupid for asking any questions or being concerned about something.  He remembers my kids names and asks after them when I am with one child or another for their separate appointments.  He is everything that every doctor SHOULD be and it makes me sad that others out there are getting less than stellar care.

So today at 9am Jameson had his one year appointment.  We usually have the same nurse there and she is always so friendly and remembers us.  I was most excited to see how much my little (big) tonka truck weighs and luckily they do that part first!  Well he is tipping the scales at 24 pounds, 13 ounces, which is just shy of Serena at 25.5 pounds.  Pretty crazy!  He is also EXTREMELY tall at 32 and 3/4 inches, way off the charts.  Lucky for Serena, she is tall for her age as well so he hasn't quite caught up to her in height, but I'm sure it won't be long.  How funny it will be when they are four and three years old to be telling people that SHE is the older one because he will probably be bigger.

Anyway, the appointment went well, he is healthy which is always fantastic to hear.  The one thing I am concerned about now is a birth mark that is growing across his face.  The term "birth mark" I have learned can be misleading.  We are not necessarily born with these, but we have predispositions under our skin that will cause them to form later.  The last week or so we have spent quite a bit of time in the sun and noticed a dark form taking shape over Jameson's right eye.  We brushed it off at first, thinking maybe we had missed a spot with the sunscreen.  But when it kept persisting during sun exposure, I began to get a little concerned.  A friend pointed out that maybe it was a birth mark and I had thought that too.  I have several birth marks similar to his all over my body.  So I did ask the doctor about it and there's really nothing we can do to prevent it from darkening.  We can use sunscreen, but we already have been and it is darkening (and I use SPF 70!).  Quite honestly, I am annooyed.  Call me vain, call me narcissistic, call me whatever you want, but why is it one thing after another with this kid?  He already has a lopsided head and now he is going to have a birth mark over part of his face?  How is that fair?  We are going to see a dermatologist sometime in the next month to see what more we can do.  Why his face?  Why not any other part of the body?  I think my birth marks are cool and love pointing them out.  If it had been anywhere but his face, I would think it was neat.  I keep thinking it's a good thing my boy is big because he will be able to stand up for himself if anyone makes fun of him in school and we all know kids can be cruel.

One thing is for sure: we love our cute little boy, birth marks, flat head, squishy belly, chubby legs and all!

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