Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Water fun!

Summer has hit, South Texas style!  We got some extremely hot weather over the weekend, with the heat index being about 100 both days and no signs of letting up, save for the rainy days.  It's supposed to be a wet summer (joy!) so hopefully we didn't just waste our money on a bunch of water toys for the kids??

Our old pool started growing mildew and the slip n slide was ripped and not working right so we decided it was time for new ones.  We found a cute Little Mermaid slip n slide at Target.  It's not quite as cool as the other one, but it does the job and at only $10 what more can you ask for?  We also got a small inflatable pool that the girls love to put their slide in and play water sliding.  Quite creative my kids are!  Serena has slowly been acclimating to the water and likes it more and more.  I think she's realizing that it cools you down from the heat so it's a good thing.  She still doesn't like it in her face and will immediately run to her towel to wipe her eyes, but she is actually having FUN.  She gets in the pool, she goes down the slide, she laughs and plays.  What more can I ask for?  She gets excited when I say "let's put on our bathing suits!" instead of telling me "no bathing suit!"

We also got a very small one ring baby pool for Jameson to play in and he hasn't had a chance yet, but I think he will like it.  He is walking a lot, but not completely.  He still needs to use something to pull up to stand on and he falls after only a few steps sometimes, but he can walk clear across a room and even turn around and change directions while walking.  I am so proud of him!  So anyway, the summer will be more fun for him since he's getting out of the crawling stage.  I was really dreading this as it's hard for him to be outside this way.  Plus he gets even dirtier being on the ground like that and we have so many BUGS here it is insane!  I recently cancelled our pest service, but am slowly coming to realize that it is a neccessity here.  My kids are going to be out in the backyard walking barefoot and we have red ant piles.  Sometimes you can barely see them because they are flat and if we have a lot of wet days that means a lot of ant piles will pop up.  Why oh why??  It's weird that I even have to worry about that.  And all the bugs I see crawling around in the grass totally gross me out.  I keep thinking, sure the cost of living is cheaper here, but we make up for it in PEST CONTROL fees! ;) Never in my life have I see so many bugs and all different kinds and sizes.  The ones that worry me the most though are the red ants.  Here is a photo of my Dad's run in with red ants:
We don't have red ants in California.  Black, pesky ants, yes.  Red, biting crazy ants, ummmm no!  So when he was here he was kindly pulling weeds in our front yard.  He obliviously stuck his hand in an ant pile, never having seen one in his life, not thinking anything of it.  The next thing he knew, he looked down and his arm was covered in ants and well, that photo was the result.  I think he was a bit traumatized and I don't blame him.  So now you know why ant piles worry me.  If a grown adult will stick his hand in one, what do you expect from kids?  I've been stung before by them and those things HURT.  So having my kids in the backyard playing around them makes me nervous.

Nonetheless I see us spending a lot of time in our backyard this summer passing the days.  Give me a margarita and I'm set!

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