Monday, August 2, 2010


Happy Birthday RICHARD!  My wonderful husband turns 28-years-old today.  Seriously, when did we get so grown up?  Both of us were teens when we met and started dating and now here we are, well into our 20s (him more than me luckily!).  That is the nice thing about having a husband a few years older than you...he will always be a few years older than you!

Richard was pretty disappointed to have to work on his birthday and tried to convince me that we should celebrate yesterday and today, but that didn't really fly.  We are going to celebrate tonight by going out to dinner (yes it is his birthday but I get out of cooking!  So it's a pretty great day for us both).  He still has yet to decide where: Mexican or hamburgers.  We prefer to eat at restaurants with kids' play areas and I can't remember the last time we ate at a place that didn't have one.  I think he is leaning toward Mexican: sangria margaritas here we come!  The only problem is that Jameson will be stuck in his high chair because, although he is walking, he is still too little (or I should say "young" since there is nothing "little" about my son) to play on the play equipment alone.  That would be the only plus of going to the hamburger joint: they have a big sandbox for the kids which Jameson could play in with his sisters.  But no sangria margaritas or chips and salsa.  Mmmmm, I can taste it already!  Can you tell we don't eat out much anymore??

I just got done making a yummy ice cream pie.  Well I hope it is yummy!  How can it not be, the ingredients are oreo cookies, ice cream, whipping cream and fudge.  What's not to like?  It was really easy, but not especially challenging or well decorated.  Oh well: I save most of my creativity for the kids' birthdays.  This pie will still taste YUM.

Other than that, Richard has a lame present from us to open and a card from his parents.  He is a good boy and waits until his birthday to open his card(s): I on the other hand rip them open the second they appear in my mailbox, whether it is my birthday or a few days before.  It's funny because I make my kids wait to open their stuff too, but I don't follow my own rules.  It's a classic case of a parent's "do as I say, not as I do" rule.  Love those!

So happy 28th to my dear husband.  In two short years we will be toasting 30.  Wow.  It's all downhill from there...

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