Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where is my good karma??

Slowly but surely I have been cleaning out our house.  I've officially decluttered the entire master bedroom and bathroom, two linen closets, the laundry room, some of the kitchen and the girls' closet...and I'm working on the garage and the living room.  It's a long and hard process figuring out the things I want to keep and the things I want to toss.  I've listed several things on craigslist, but haven't had any luck so I'm turning to other sources.  Tomorrow I have an appointment with a baby resale shop to sell some baby clothes and bigger items if I can.  So now I'm also up to my ears in laundry because of course the stores want everything washed and ironed before they will accept it, which they're not even guaranteed to do, so please cross your fingers for me!

Yesterday a donation center was scheduled to come around and pick up items left on the curb that we wanted to donate.  I got their flier in the mail a few weeks back and thought what perfect timing for us to clean out some things.  I gathered up unwanted toys, clothes in good condition, but too worn to sell and even some of my old clothes I knew I'd never wear again.  We also put out our old dresser and TV (which I'd had no luck selling).  If nothing else, we'd get a tax write off, so why not?  Plus come on, who doesn't feel good about donating!

After I dropped Calli off at school there was a knock on my door.  Thinking it was the donation workers to leave my tax write off form, I answered it to instead find a woman who had been walking her dog.  She asked if we were throwing out that old dresser (it was also trash day).  I told her that we were actually donating it and she inquired how much we would want for it.  I said I wasn't really sure and that the bottom drawer was broken, did she want to take a look?  She then told me how she had been searching for a dresser for her two new foster boys and had been trying to get their room together.  After hearing that I told her she could just have the dresser.  It wasn't as if it was in pristine shape with no scratches or knicks and the drawer was broken after all.  Besides that, we were donating it anyway and isn't that the kind of person you hope to help out?  She questioned over and over if I was sure I wanted to do that and I knew that I did want to.  She finished her walk and brought her minivan over so we could load up the dresser.  We also got to talking and she told me about being a foster mom and her family.  I ended up giving her the TV as well and she was so grateful for everything.

So this made me think that maybe, just maybe I would have some good karma coming my way.  I mean, I'm not asking for a giant check to fall out of the sky, but things going my way sure would be nice.  Okay, so at least when my car wouldn't start I was at the school picking up Calli instead of stranded at the mall wondering how I would get to her.  And it was only 95 degrees out instead of 105 (har de har har).  You gotta look for the silver linings right?!  Nonetheless, it was still beyond frustrating when the four of us walked back out to the car to go home from school and I leaned over the passenger seat to start the car and get the a/c going only to hear "clickclickclickclick".  I looked over at my sweating kids: Calli tired from a LONG day at school, Serena sitting in her poopy diaper that I wanted to wait until we got home to change and Jameson sick of sitting in his stroller and carseat all day, sweat pouring down his little face.

"Come on kids, we have to walk home".

At least we walked down the hill instead of having to walk up.  By the time we reached our little haven of cold air we were all sweating and mad.  Serena had fallen asleep in the front of the stroller and Jameson was making it known that he was not happy.  Calli was going on and on about her first fundraiser at school (REALLY?!) and selling pizza and I didn't have the patience to listen to any of them.  Once we all got glasses of ice cold water and sat under the fan for a few minutes things were better.  I was still worried about my car and because I knew nothing about cars, I didn't know what was wrong with it.  All I knew was that I needed it for the morning to get Jameson to his dermatology appointment that I had to schedule two months in advance: cancelling was not an option!  Luckily I have two fantastic friends who both offered their cars and time for the morning and I couldn't be more grateful.  It did turn out to just need a new battery and thanks to the heat and humidity here batteries last approximately 2.7 minutes.  Richard came home from work and got it taken care of and $100 later we were all happy again.

So this morning we dropped Calli off at school and then went to Jameson's dermatology appointment, which turned out to be at a later time than I thought.  Instead of going into that, suffice it to say it wasn't the greatest morning.  I paid $40 for the derm to tell me that there is nothing they can do to remove or lighten this kind of birthmark.  I have several of the same ones all over my body, but Jameson had the misfortune of getting one on his face.  Just when I was starting to see past his flat head, I have something new to get over.  My poor little flat headed, birth marked boy.  Hopefully he can find a girl someday who is in the same boat ;).  Anyway, now we have to go to a pediatric optomologist to make sure the birthmark isn't affecting his eye sight.  We can see the pigment on the skin, but have no idea what pigment is underneath it and possibly affecting his eye.  How many specialists do you think my kid can see before his second birthday??  Let's just see how many little annoyances can occur when it comes to him.

Rainbows and kittens, rainbows and kittens...I'm trying to think happy and positive thoughts!  Now where is my karma!?

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