Monday, August 16, 2010

My Almost Kindergartener

It's hard to believe that a week from today my baby girl will be going off to school.  I will be packing her backpack, making lunch, getting her dressed, loading up the kids and making the 3/4 mile trek to the elementary school where she will begin her education.  It's the beginning of thirteen years of school, and hopefully another four after that.  It is such a bittersweet feeling.  It will be nice for me to just have two kids at home and to cut down on the sibling bickering.  It will be nice for Calli to make new friends and learn new things.  At the same time, I feel like I blinked and the last five years have gone by.  What happened to this itty bitty baby I gave birth to on Guam?
I remember thinking that I had five years with her.  I was always told by older mothers that they would go by in the blink of an eye, but five years sure seemed like a lifetime.  That was plenty of time to enjoy my sweet girl all to myself, to teach her and love her.  And now here we are, at the end of those five years, but at the beginning of her new journey in life.

I am so excited for her and so nervous at the same time.  Every day is an adventure and it has been so much fun to watch my first-born come into her own over the last five years.  She has grown from a six-pound infant, to a sweet toddler, to a sassy preschooler and now, a little girl.  She has her own opinions and her own voice in the world.  She is ready to take it on and is growing up faster than I can keep up.  I am scared, but I know she will be just fine.

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