Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Fair

Yesterday we decided to venture out to a (kind of) local fair that a friend told me about. I looked it up online and yep, it looked fun! So after Calli's 9am soccer game we came home and changed and drove the hour to a small town called Seguin for the Guadalupe County Fair. To be honest, I was expecting something bigger, but it was reminicent of the carnivals I used to go to in the WalMart parking lot as a child (sorry Guadalupe County Fair!). I am looking forward to going to the state fair in Dallas some day, that would be interesting. The atmosphere at these kind of events in Texas is just so much different than what I'm used to. I can't explain it, but you can just feel it. Despite the fair being a little disappointing in size, the kids enjoyed themselves, which was really the main point. We met up with our friends and their two kids, who are the same age as Calli and Serena. Calli really loved running around and riding all the rides with her friend Alex, whom she hasn't seen in awhile since he started preschool.

We started by visiting the petting zoo, which of course I don't have any photos of. Calli was anxious to get on the rides so she didn't enjoy that part much, but I did! I petted a few goats, saw some baby chicks and other animals that I couldn't pronounce the names of. After this it was way past lunch time and we decided to get some expensive but yummy carnival food. The good thing about being at a fair is that you can walk off those extra calories after you eat!
The best part of the day? It was cold!! We finally got some autumn weather and I was loving it. We wore sweatshirts, can you even believe that? I had actual goosebumps. I haven't been cold in a long time and it felt GOOD. The clouds didn't lift all day in Seguin, but when we drove back into San Antonio the sun was out. All in all, it was a pretty nice day. Now, if only that weather would stick around......
Calli posing with some random hay bale and decorations
This was a cute sign
After we had lunch we went over to the face paiting booth, where Calli picked out this design to put on her face
Amazingly enough, Serena actually sat still to have this painted on her face. She did so well, I was so proud of her!
Serena was even more into the heart on her hand. The face painter had put a test heart there to make her see what it would feel like on her face.
After the face painting, we stopped at the ticket booth, where we purchased wrist bands for our older kids. After about ten minutes they had more than paid for themselves! We realized we probably should have bought them for the younger kids as well, but we hadn't thought there would be much that they could do. The first stop we made was so the kids could run through this obstacle course and go down the slide. They went on it about four times before we could move on.
Serena and a very trashy looking clown trash can
Jameson was very tired and decided to take a snooze. I wish I could just decide I'm tired and have someone bundle me and push me around in a stroller!
Calli, Alex, Serena and Izzy on the train ride. This was SO CUTE.
Another train ride. This one was better than the first because it went faster. And Alex and Calli decided they wanted to sit up front and ring the bell this time.
So the poor little sisters had to sit in the back all alone. But they still had fun. Izzy was loving it, but Serena, as always, seemed very unimpressed.
Calli and Alex on the airplane ride. This was scary for the parents since they went on it alone and it went pretty high off the ground.
Next up was a turn on the boats!
And then came the off roading vehicles. Calli looks like a pro
Every time she came by us she would have some new pose to show us.
Calli and Alex went on the dragon roller coaster next. This one was fun. As always, Calli put her hands up in the air and it wasn't long before Alex had his up too!
Here is the ferris wheel that they wanted to ride next.
And then we found a fun house for them to run into. This provided us with many laughs. The kids went through again and again and each time they had to be told where to enter. They could never find the entrance in all the windows! Then we got to watch them walk around and smack their heads into the windows about a million times. Finally I ran up to get a picture and Calli gave me the sad little puppy dog eyes and promptly ran into a window. I couldn't help but smile and she gave me a fat, quivering lip. That made me a feel a little mean.
Next, us moms accompanied the older ones on a faster ride.
And here is the Merry Go Round, which is always a favorite
Calli wanted to go again and had to have an adult with her so I went this time. She got mad at me because I kept putting my arm around her to make sure she was okay. "But Daddy didn't do that!!" she kept telling me as she shrugged my arm off. SORRY, Mommy is just mean I guess!
The motorcycles! Calli is on the back of a boy's motorcycle already, what are we going to do!?
The sailboat ride
JJameson remained surprisingly happy most of the time.
Serena decided to eat her shoes...yum!
And after five hours of fun, we decided it was time to head home. It had been a long, but fun day!

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Did I see some grey in Richards hair?? He is looking very distinguished!!!
Miss you guys!

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