Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Walker

No, Jameson is not walking yet, but it's not that far off if he's anything like his sisters and decides to start around 9-10 months. We have a pink exersaucer that was purchased when Serena was three months old. I've always said "oh, who cares that it's pink, Jameson can still use it". After all, he is a baby and does not care if things are pink, purple, brown or turquoise. However, when push came to shove, Richard decided he did not want our son using a pink exersaucer. Fine, then we will just have to get something else for him! I've never been a big fan of walkers, but it was a change of pace from the exersaucers and jumperoos we've had and I figured he could use it outside while his sisters are playing as well. So that is what we purchased when we went to Target one Saturday evening: a new Elmo walker for Jameson. When we got home the girls were so excited to push him around. They eventually went to bed and Jameson was left alone in it and surprisingly enough began to make the thing move on his own! He is just four months old so I wasn't expecting it, but there he was, pushing off the floor with his little legs and moving toward me. Is there anything this little boy can't do?? Oh that's right: sleep. Okay, in all fairness, he is only four months old and he did have a lot to live up to being Serena's little sibling. That girl was sleeping twelve hours, 7:30-7:30 without a peep at four months old. And although I didn't expect the same of Jameson (babies like that are a fluke!) I was expecting a lot more than twice a night feedings still at three months. He is getting better and better though as he gets older. Most nights he can make it 7:30-at least 3, sometimes 4 or 5. Sometimes he needs a paci halfway through to make it the rest of the way, but it is a WHOLE LOT BETTER than doing the whole feeding and diaper changing thing twice. Anyway, he has a cold now, poor thing and isn't feeling his best. We were wondering why he was so cranky and then finally I could tell his nose was stuffed up. I hate having a sick baby because there is really nothing you can do. I can't wait to take him to the doctor on Friday and see how much he weighs! My guess is 19 pounds, we'll see how far off I am.
And of course a baby toy is not approved in the house until Serena tries it out herself
I love how Calli is looking at him in this photo: "I love you little brother!"
LOVE the face!

This was the first time he was in it

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