Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Haircut

Calli decided to give herself a haircut this morning. I had signed her up for art classes months ago and they used safety scissors in them. She had never picked up a pair in her life, but learned how to use them in the class. So we started letting her use them at home, but said she could only cut paper. Well I should have known it was only a matter of time before she decided to experiment. It is not too awful (really, it could be much worse!) but I still have to take her to get it fixed this afternoon. My kitchen floor looked like a hair salon when I came downstairs from my shower this morning. Now it's all so clear why she had been pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood with a blanket over her head and why she ran and hid when I walked in the living room after coming downstairs...
And here is what she looks like after her haircut. I think she looks a lot like my youngest sister when she was Calli's age!! It is going to take me awhile to get used to, but we'll grow it out again.


The Rosa Family said...

oh no! It doesnt look bad though.. It looks like she has layers in the front. Evan tried to do that to my hair when we cutting out some pictures..

Heather Guymon said...

I couldn't even tell she cut it in the first one? LOL I keep waiting for the day to come when Hannah decides to experiment on herself like that...BUT I never did that as a kid so I hope she won't either LOL!

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