Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Three Reasons...

why I am incredibly happy this morning.
1) I woke up and my Momma is here! Calli and I picked her up from the airport yesterday afternoon. It is so great to have her here visiting us. I am already sad at the thought of her leaving.
2) Jameson decided to sleep an eight hour stretch last night. We put him down around 8:45pm and he didn't wake up until 5am! It was crazy! Even crazier, I actually slept most of that time. I remember when my others slept their first long stretches I was never sleeping. I was bouncing up and down every half hour or so to check on them and thinking that they would be waking any minute so what was the point of going back to sleep? But this time I heard Jameson stir around 1am (he normally wakes around this time for a feeding). However, he didn't wake up and I was really half awake myself and dozed back off. Finally at 5am he was ready to be awake and Richard was also just waking up for work and asked "did he sleep the whole time??!" Yes, yes he did! He ate and then wanted to go back to sleep but was having a little trouble. Every time his paci fell out of his mouth he would wake up and I got tired of getting up and down to retrieve it. Since Richard had left, I just brought Jameson to sleep on the bed too. We both dozed off for another hour before waking for the day.
3) I won my crib bedding set on ebay for 1/3 the retail cost! I have had my eye on this adorable bedding since I was seven months pregnant. It is only sold online and costs nearly $200 for nine pieces. We found it on ebay, but kept forgetting about the bidding end times so we'd always lose out. Two sets ended yesterday, the first going for $75 and the second for $110. This morning I noticed one ending and placed my bid in the last minute and WON it for $61. I am still over the moon about this. We are going to be buying a crib ASAP and will probably be trying to put Jameson in his own room when Grandma leaves. So it is nice to know that we will have everything ready.
So that is why I am having a great day! Oh yeah and I also have three adorable kids. That always makes my day :)

1 comment:

The Rosa Family said...

i love the bedding!! its so cute! :)

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