Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Calli Rose!

Dear Calli,

I don't even know where to start. How is it possible that you are four years old already? I feel like I blinked and you grew up. You have just one year left before you will go off to kindergarten and I can't decide if that thought thrills me or makes me extremely sad.

You were due on June 27th, but decided to come two days late. You were my first baby and I was anxious, even more so because I didn't know if you were a boy or a girl. Finally though on the morning of the 29th, not long after I got out of bed, my water broke. I was happy that it happened that way because I was nervous that I wouldn't recognize the signs of labor but there was no mistaking that! Richard and I got to the hospital quickly and I spent most of the day in labor with you. You were born at 4:46PM GUAM TIME. You weighed just six pounds, eight ounces and were a short 17.5 inches long, but you were perfect. When the doctor put you on my chest I remember thinking how cute you were, how much I loved you already.
It was a long few weeks at first, especially since you cried a lot! And when you weren't crying you were eating like crazy. Being so small you had a lot of catching up to do. But it wasn't long before I got a glimpse of your smiles and happy personality to come. As a baby and toddler you were always so full of giggles and sweetness. I was so in love you and you made me smile all the time. I found the terrible twos to be nonexistent and was just in awe of how smart and funny you were. Finally the threes hit and you started to give us some attitude, but we still loved you all the same.

Now you are officially four years old. You are still that smart, sweet, smiling girl, full of personality and promise. You have been through a lot this past year, from breaking your arm, to your first soccer game, to getting a new baby brother. There is no telling what our lives would be like without you in it, but the word "empty" comes to mind. As much as you drive me crazy and make me want to pull my hair out sometimes you turn around and say the sweetest things and give the sweetest hugs and all is right with the world. You are a great big sister to your little siblings (most of the time!) and a great helper to me.

You are starting preschool in the fall, two days a week and this will be the first time you're really away from me for extended periods of time. I am nervous and excited for you to start this journey. I know you can't wait to go to school and I can't wait to see all that you learn. As your mother, I strive my hardest to be your best teacher, but you are so outgoing and I know you will love being around other kids and interacting.

Thank you for making me a mother four years ago. Thank you for being my wonderful daughter and bringing me so much joy. Thank you for teaching me so many lessons. Thank you for allowing me to make mistakes and learn from them. Thank you for your quick forgiveness. Thank you for your bright spirit and neverending conversation. Thank you for being you.
Happy Birthday to my baby girl!

Love, Mommy
Here you are on your birthday last year, turning three. As you can see, you have grown quite a bit!
You LOVE LOVE LOVE to swim and be in the water. You took your first swimming lessons this year
I didn't want to cut your hair because it was so beautiful and curly, but I knew it was time. So you received your first haircut in August and you are just as cute as ever!
You broke your arm at the end of last summer. While it was a terrible experience, we got through it and you were such a trooper!
My cool woman
You played your first soccer game after you finally got the cast off your arm. You have played two season so far and are on your third. You love to play and are really good. I love watching you!
You insisted on being a ladybug for Halloween last year after having had a ladybug birthday party in June. You and Serena were cute as could be!
Last Christmas was especially fun because as you get older you understand more and more. You couldn't wait to meet Santa, get presents, etc.
We went up to Lake Tahoe and you saw the snow for the first time. You took a skiing lesson and loved it and also went sledding.
You love to dress up; in your princess clothes, in Mommy's shoes, whatever is available!
You took your second year of dance and loved every minute, especially wearing tutus.
You love Sea World!
We took our first real family vacation this past year and it was a blast!

Mommy was getting ready to have another baby and you had to get ready as well!
And finally here you are today, officially a four year old! Where does the time go?? There will be more pictures of your birthday to follow tomorrow.

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