Sunday, July 19, 2009

Busy Busy!

There is no denying we have been a little busy lately! But it has been nice to get out of the house. When you are a stay-at-home-mom with three very young kids to care for all day, sometimes you just need to get out of the house so you don't lose your mind! Plus I feel pretty proud of myself for doing it. Getting out of the house with three kids is hard. Getting out of the house showered and dressed, with all three kids dressed, fed and looking good EVERY MORNING is even harder. That's what we did last week and I survived. I can remember when I thought having one baby was hard. Little did I know those were the easy days. Yes, we did it to ourselves, having three kids in four years when all of them would be at home still and not in school. But I am glad we did it this way. It may be difficult now, but it is nice to just have the kids all together and not have to worry about starting all over in a few years when another comes along. Plus they get more bonding time being around each other so much.
Calli and Serena fight like cats and dogs most days. It gets on my nerves, but it is not a completely new thing to me! I knew what to expect having two daughters that close in age because that is the same gap I have with my own sister. I knew there would be arguments, there would be tantrums and hitting, and sometimes, just sometimes, there are love and kisses too. This was one of those moments.
This is what happens when a baby gets so tired he can't even wait until you put him in his bed.
Jameson is getting SO BIG already. Grow hair, grow!!
Serena adores her baby brother. She isn't always gentle and she can get jealous (but those incidents are really few and far between surprisingly!), but she sure does love on him. He gets way too many kisses and hugs and love pats. I love how Jameson is staring at her here.
And of course Calli is in love with him too. She has been a really good helper and it's been nice.
Serena loves her kitty!! She decided to hop in the cat bed with Lizzie

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I love the picture of the kid with the cat in the cat beds. Even the cat looks happy having the kid with her on the bed...

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