Friday, March 26, 2010

April 6th!

That is the date that Jameson will get his helmet off. For sure. I am not lying this time! He really, truly, definitely, absolutely will get it off! He will still have to wear it for 2-3 weeks at night and during naps, but during the day he can have his sweet little free from that stinky helmet! And boy is it stinky! I am looking forward to not having to clean it out with the alcohol wipes. And most of all I am looking forward to being able to kiss and cuddle him without that big helmet getting in the way and without having to deal with the stench that lingers on his head when we take it off. I must admit though, he looks damn cute in it, there is no denying that part.

It has been a long journey and he will have had it nearly 4.5 months. His head was down to 3.5mm assymetry last week at his helmet appointment. The pediatric neuro surgeon warned me that she doesn't see many babies get down below three, but I had to still try. After all, he was very young when he started it and his head has grown faster than if he got it when he was 9+ months old.

We've been through a lot with Jameson in his helmet. For the millionth time, I am so thankful that we did this and so thankful that something like this even exists. For a boy, it is especially important to have a somewhat normal shaped head, as they wear their hair much shorter than girls. Want to hear something funny? I had the orthotist measure MY head at Jameson's last appointment and I am 3mm! I will be getting a helmet soon ;). Okay, but seriously, you can't even tell (right?!?). I never would have known. But I also have the benefit of having long hair to cover anything that might look funny. Jameson doesn't have that same fortune and what if he wants to shave his head one day? What if he joins the military and HAS to shave his head someday? What if he just doesn't want a funny lookin' noggin? You are welcome kid! It hasn't always been fun or easy, but it's been worth it. He will definitely have an adjustment period when the helmet comes off, that's for sure! I keep saying that this helmet has also been a PROTECTIVE one for him, even though that's not it's purpose. Jameson falls and hits his head on the hard floor and thinks nothing of it. He has become accustomed even to throwing his head back hard, knowing there are no conquences. And those times when he is on a helmet break and hits his head on the floor are tough learning experiences for him. So needless to say, I will have to keep a closer eye on him as he is beginning to test the walking waters (he is cruising now and it won't be long before he lets go!).

April 6th, mark your calendars! Perfect timing as we're going on a vacation the following week to a water park and I'm not sure that helmet + water park = good idea. What is it going to be like taking my baby out without a helmet? He is going to be a normal kid; no funny looks or stares, no sympathetic stories from other parents about their helmet babies, no comments about the 49ers (how are people going to know we're 49er fans now???). My favorite thing is when people ask me if JAMESON likes the 49ers. They will quite seriously ask "so is he a 49er fan?" Why yes he is and he insisted I paint his helmet gold and red or he wouldn't wear it!

Goodbye helmet, you will be (slightly) missed. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I owe you.

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