Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Terrible Twos

Missing: 23.5 month old girl
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 34 inches
Weight: 25 pounds

HELP! Someone has taken my sweet, angelic, shy little Serena Camille. She was last seen about a week ago. She laughed. She smiled. She gave hugs and kisses. She was sweet as pie. And now she has been replaced by an imposter!

She whines, she cries, she throws huge fits. She never laughs and never smiles. She doesn't eat very much and doesn't sleep very well. It's like someone flipped a switch and changed her personality. Seriously, I want the old Serena back!! I know I am going to have to learn how to adjust, but she seems like a whole new person now and not one that I particularly like. Of course I love her, but I am going to have to figure out a way to like her. This is all new territory for me. Calli never had the terrible twos. I know that sounds like a lie, but two was a really great age for her. She learned a lot, we had fun conversations and she was just generally a joy. Yes she had her moments, but nothing like Serena is now. Calli didn't start getting difficult until she was nearly three, so I have always counted on the terrible threes. But along came Serena and in her quest to be as exactly opposite of her sister as she can, she throws me for a loop. She was my easy baby who didn't cry much and slept through the night from a very early age. Now she cries and doesn't sleep. What is up with that? Calli on the other hand was an extremely difficult newborn, but turned into an easier toddler.

Jameson, oh Jameson what will you be like?

So...if anyone has seen the old, orginal Serena, please send her my way and tell her that Mommy and Daddy miss her!

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