Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just Call Me Suzy Homemaker!

I got this princess cookbook at the bookstore a few months back and had forgotten all about it until the other day.
I pulled it out of the cupboard and flipped through it, trying to find a recipe that called for ingredients that I already had on hand. I finally settled on banana bread cupcakes and even had the option chocolate chips to add. I told Calli what I wanted to do so she ran and grabbed her dress-up chef outfit, complete with chef's hat that wouldn't stay on her head. She also got her stool so she could reach the counter to help me add the ingredients to the bowl. I measured everything out and she poured. Once it was all put together she got to stir it.
She needed Mom's help after awhile though!
And this was our end result! The picture in the book had flowers on top of the muffins and Calli really wanted some on ours too. Unfortunately I have a black thumb, so there's no flower garden in our yard! Then I thought about the weeds and told Calli she could go out back and pick some of those to decorate. We added some powdered sugar on top and voila! I am not really a huge banana bread fan so I had only a small piece of this before it was confirmed that yes, I do in fact hate banana bread. Calli loved it however and had hers AND Serena's (she must share my banana bread hating gene).
While the bread was baking I flipped through the cookbook to the drinks section and decided to make marshmellow smoothies. I combined frozen strawberries and blueberries, milk, and vanilla ice cream in the blender. Then I stirred in some marshmellows and put some on top to decorate also. By this point Serena was up from her nap and wanted one too! So here are the girls enjoying their snacks.

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