Friday, March 5, 2010

Keep on truckin'

I have a nine mile run on Sunday and I am getting nervous. But this might be a good thing since I think I tend to run better with nerves. After my 8.5 mile trail race (which I finished in 1:53 and some change for all your curious readers) I rested Monday. I had scheduled a three mile run for Tuesday but decided to err on the side of caution and let my body rest for another day. When I take too much time off from running, it's hard to get back into it and that's what I think I'm facing now. The week of my race (last week) I only ran three days as well. I ran Tuesday and Wednesday and skipped my Thursday run and thought that three days of rest before a race sounded good. Then I did that eight miles on Sunday and took two days off. So by the time Wednesday evening rolled around, I hadn't really run out on the road in a week. I was nervous that I might not even be able to finish my five miles, but I did and I felt good and completed it in a decent time (51.5 minutes). My five mile outdoor run time has improved by four minutes over the last month, which I'm very proud of. It shows me that I am making progress in that department. As hard as I try not to worry about my pace and just run, I can't. That's just not who I am. I want to finish the race, but I also want to do well and finish in a time I can be proud of.
Thursdays are difficult because we have soccer practice from 6:30-7:30. By the time I get home and would be able to get out the door to run it would be well after 8pm. I really hate running in the dark and the later the run, the more nervous I am. Of course, maybe this works in my favor and I push myself to run faster so I can just be done? I'm looking forward to the time change when I'll get another hour of daylight in the evening. Of course, I'm not looking forward to the summer nights here when it's still 95 degrees at 8pm at night, but I will tackle that issue when it comes. So my point is........I didn't get out and run last night. Not only was it late and dark but it was windy and cold and Grey's Anatomy was on and I just had no motivation. I would go to the gym in the morning, I promised myself.
So I dressed the kids and myself for the gym this morning and set off. The girls and I went to Mommy and Me yoga first, which was a lot of fun. I could tell during the class that I felt tired. Nonetheless, I had set a five mile goal and wanted to do it. After yoga was over I took the girls to the daycare and hopped on a treadmill. The limit was fifty minutes and I was happy because I could do five miles in fifty minutes. But things did not start out well and when I passed one mile I was really tired. By the time I got to two I was seriously dragging. I told myself just four miles would be good, but I had to stop at three. I just wasn't feeling it today. And that is what makes me nervous for a nine mile run on Sunday. I keep telling myself that it will be better for me to get outside and run rather than do it on the treadmill and maybe that's what dragged me down. Also, I think sometimes runners just have days where it's not going to work and I need to accept that. My body wasn't on the same page as my mind this morning. At least I got in three miles though, that definitely counts for something. My goal for next week is to be back up to running four times a week. I have two five mile runs, a three mile run and a TEN MILER next weekend. I am getting soclose to my half marathon, I can taste it. I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about it. There is just something about your first race. I know races that I do in the future will be exciting too, but not in the same way. This is a feat that I have never before accomplished and to do so will be something new. I can't wait! Just one more month!

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