Thursday, January 28, 2010

California Girl!

It must be Mommy's influence. My four-and-a-half year old is turning into a regular Valley Girl. I hear the word "like" slipping out of her mouth more and more these days. The things she says sometimes just send me into fits of laughter. The other day she was wearing a new dress I had just bought at Gymboree. She is always so excited when she gets new clothes and ran upstairs to show Daddy after putting it on. She came back a few minutes later and I asked her what Daddy thought of her new dress. She reported "Daddy loved my new dress. He freaked out. He was like woah, cool dress!" You also had to be there to see the hand motion she made when she was imitating her daddy. Hello, Mini Me!!!
Then just a few minutes she was telling me something and I heard the word "like" slip in there. It could be worse. She could be saying the word "y'all" (nails on a chalkboard to me, people!!). She could be saying "fixin" or "howdy" or "hola" or any number of words that are popular here. I will take my "like" and watch her turn into Mommy a little more each day. I am so proud!! From now on, I shall call you "Calli from the Valley".

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