Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fruit Snack Bandit!

Serena is my fruit snack monster! When Calli was little, she was my only for awhile and I was able to hold off on giving her these, but Serena wants whatever her big sister has most of the time and honestly, there are worse things out there than fruit snacks! But Serena takes it to a whole new level. She is a really great eater for the most part. She turns down chocolate in favor of fruit. She doesn't even LIKE sweets! I am not sure this little girl is really mine. After all, is it even genetically possible for two chocolate lovers to create a chocolate hater? And furthermore, who in the world doesn't like sweets of any kind? She is a strange one.

Fruit snacks are her one vice. She can't get enough of them - literally! She will go into the pantry when it's snack time and grab a bag of fruit snacks. I'll open them for her and she'll gobble them down, go back and get another one for me to open. Sometimes I give in and let her have two. Really, what is the harm? But she is not done there! She will go back a third time for another pack and that is where I draw the line. Unfortunately, her big sister did not get that memo and opens the snack for her when my back is turned.

One other (strange) thing Serena loves is ice! When she hears someone getting ice out of the fridge she will stop what she's doing and haul her little bottom into the kitchen to watch. She waits like a tiger stalking her prey for one piece of ice to drop on the floor so she can snatch it up. Usually I throw her a bone and "accidently" drop one on the floor so she can get it (I think she feels more accomplished this way than if I just hand it to her - that's too easy!).

What am I going to do with this little one??

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

My kids practically live off fruit snacks!! I don't know what it is about them? I'm pretty sure in 10 years or so they will put out some claim that there was an addictive chemical in them or something!!! I wouldn't be surprised!

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