Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gripes and Blessings

Serious Gripes for the Day:
Drive through pharmacies. What is the point??? I was the second person in the outter lane and sat there for five minutes while there appeared to be nothing going on between the car in front of me and the pharmacist. So I put the car in reverse and backed out to find a parking spot and drag three kids through the freezing weather to pick up some stupid nasal spray which ended up being $35. No generic brand apparently. And the worst part is that the cars in front of the lines were still sitting there. SERIOUSLY???
Frontage roads. They are my enemy!! I literally avoid going to some places because I know trying to pull out of the parking lot onto a fast moving frontage road is going to be a nightmare. Unfortunately everything in this city is built on the freeway (why, I don't know!!) so I don't have a choice a lot of the time. So today I miss my entrance by ONE driveway and the only way to get back is to get on the frontage road and take the freeway turnarounds to get back to where I started. Lovely. Whoever designed the screwy freeway systems and roads here was not using their brain.
People who fly through my neighborhood at 45 miles an hour and then sit in the passing lane of the freeway going 60mph. Yes, it makes so much more sense that a residential neighborhood is the better place to speed. I can see how noticing a school or park full of kids would make you want to step on the gas. Instead, why don't you imagine that it's YOUR child on the side of the road and drive a little more cautiously. Oh and get out of the passing lane of the freeway if you are not passing anyone. Seems simple enough.
My lower back is really hurting today. It started during or after my run (or just sometime, I can't remember) on Tuesday. I ran three miles last night and was really feeling it afterward. This morning it was hard to even walk and although it's feeling better as the day goes on, it's definitely nice that I have two days rest before my long run on Saturday. It's just kind of annoying because don't want to lose any ground on my training and have to take time away for injuries.
And a Few Blessings...
Jameson's head has improved by 2mm more, bringing his assymetry to 7mm down from 14mm. This is a 7mm change and he is officially more than halfway through the treatment. He also has brachyochephaly (this has something to do with the length to width ratio of the head not being right. It's when the head is wider than it should be) and has made significant progress in growing lengthwise. Just two to three more months and we will be rid of the helmet. Although it will be kind of sad that everyone won't know we're 49er fans anymore!
Hearing Serena calling "Calli, Calli" as she tries to find her big sister to play with her. It's pretty darn sweet.
Watching Calli get a snack down for her little sister or assist her with anything else. Calli is (most of the time) a fantastic big sister and doesn't get enough credit for this.
So that is my blog of the day. Maybe the blessings should have come before the gripes, but it's better to end on a good note. And besides, I had some frustrations to get our first before I could get on to the good stuff!

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