Friday, January 22, 2010

Piling It On!

As if I didn't have enough going on, I've decided to return to coaching Calli at soccer this season. I kept going back and forth, trying to decide if I really wanted to do it. I am still not sure that coaching is really my thing, but I have developed a friendship with my assistant coach from last year and she will be co-coaching with me again this year so I feel more confident having someone to help me out. I already have all the balls and cones, not to mention I've developed relationships with my players (some are returning, some aren't) and I think it will be in their best interests as well to have the same coach for another season. I also received an email from a parent of a player who was on my tournament team in December (he had played with a different team during the season) and she asked if he could be placed on my team. Needless to say, that was a nice email to receive so I think that may have pushed me over the edge to say yes.
Spring Soccer Season 2010 will begin in February and we can't wait!
Hmmm, I wonder if there will ever be a time when I am coaching all three of them in soccer at once???
We were watching a hockey game and Calli decided she wanted to play along so she picked up her broom and started wacking a ball around. Think we have a future ice hockey star?
I want that camera!!
Is there ANYTHING more precious than a sleeping baby? He looked so sweet when I went to get him up from his nap that I couldn't resist running downstairs to get the camera so I could snap a quick picture. Jameson has been sleeping so much better at night! He goes down at 7:30pm and has been sleeping until at least 6am. It is great!

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