Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Sweet Boy

Dear Jameson -
You are the sweetest little boy in the whole world and I love you to pieces. However, you are starting to make me a wee bit nervous. Now that you can crawl, you are constantly on the move. Even when you can't move, you flail your legs and arms about and have this energy that is unmatched by any other any baby on the planet. You constantly scream out in joy and love to hear your voice. I love to hear your voice too, but again, YOU ARE MAKING ME NERVOUS. I don't know anything about little boys, but from what I have seen, most of them are certifiably crazy. They bounce off walls, have boundless energy and are louder than a rocket ship taking off. I hate to just lump you into the catergory of "all boys" but you are making it hard on me, my son. You are my first baby that I am genuinely scared of having walking. Lucky for me, you don't seem to be on pace to do it quite as early as your big sisters (ten months, give or take a few weeks), but you don't seem to let much stop you now.

So my prayer is this: please slow down, please turn the volume down just a smidge and please don't grow any more until I am ready to conquer all that is BOY.

1 comment:

The Rosa Family said...

Evan has that same shirt.. but big brother of course.. yes boys are so wild!.. Lainey is so laid back. Evan is always bouncing off the walls and going crazy.. He is such a handful!

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